How to Correctly Apply a Lip Liner – Beginners Guide

A Lip liner is a makeup product that adds color to your lips to create dimension and distinction between the lines on your lips and skin.
Lip liners can be used to:
- define the borders of the lips,
- as a base for lipstick or
- for changing lip shape and size.
In this article we will share with you the tips and tricks for a perfect lip liner application.
How to Correctly Apply a Lip Liner
Follow the steps below to apply any lip liner perfectly
Step 1: Prep Lips using a lip scrub & lip balm
- Prep your lips by using a lip scrub to remove all dead skin from the lips.
- Next, apply a moisturizing balm to give your lips a hydrated look.
- Then, apply foundation over the lips if you have uneven lip color.
Related Article – Is a Lip Liner Really Needed – Everything you Need to Know
Step 2: Choose a lip liner
Choose your lip liner. Make sure that the color and type of lip liner is compatible with the look you are trying to achieve.
Study the shape of your lips and decide how you want them to look.
Related Article: 7 Tips How to use a Lip Liner or Pencil as a Lipstick
Step 3: Outline your lips
Using light pressure, gently start shaping the lips beginning from the cupid’s bow.
If you are happy with the shape and size of your lips, follow the natural shape of your lips.
To get plumper lips: lightly trace around the top lip, exaggerating the cupid bow ever so slightly to create a fullness. After overlining the cupid bow, follow the natural lip lines of the upper lip.
Complete mapping your bottom lips out with liner, create a small shadow in the center of the bottom lip with your pencil to mimic the illusion of a bigger lower lip.
Fill in the lip liner if you are using it as a base or lip color.
Related Article – How to use a Lip Liner to Plump Your lips
Step 4: Apply the lipstick
Apply the lipstick of your choice over the lip liner.
- First, use a lip brush to blend the lip liner and lip color together. This is important when wearing two shades of lip color.
- Then use concealer to clean up the edges of the lips from any lip liner that may have smudged.
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Video Of How to Apply a Lip Liner
How to Contour different Lip Shapes with a Lip Liner
Since everyone has a different lip shape, application of lip liners may need to be customized. Follow this guide to finding the perfect lip liner technique for your lip shape.
1. How to Contour Thin Upper Lips With a Lip Liner
To balance this type of lip shape, overline the cupids bow with a lip liner. But try to stay in line with the natural lip line coming away from the cupid bow.
Then fill in the remainder of your lips, keeping the liner within the constraints of your upper lip.
Related Article: Best Lip Liners for Dark & Brown Skin that Blends Well
2. How to Contour Thin Lower Lips with a Lip Liner
Overline the bottom center of the lower lips with the lip liner. Stay with the borders of the lip lines leading up to the corners.
Then line your upper lip, making sure to color only inside the lines.
3. How to Contour Oval lips with a Lip Liner
Don’t have a defined cupids bow. So ensure to outline the cupids bow with the lip liner.
4. How to Contour Downturned lips with a Lip Liner
Apply lip liner more to the outer corners of the lips and create an upwards arch.
5. How to Contour Thin Lips with a Lip Liner
This lip shape needs to be overlined at the cupids bow and at the bottom center of the lower lips.
After overlining these areas follow the natural lip border and fill in the lip liner.
6. How to Contour Sharp lips with a Lip Liner
Create softer lip lines using a lip liner by rounding the cupid bow.
7. How to Contour Uneven lips with a Lip Liner
Try to correct any unevenness with the lip liner. Use the lip liner to fill in any gaps where the natural lips lack the same shape.
8. How to Contour Large Lips with a Lip Liner
Don’t over line lips but stay within the natural lip borders with the lip liner.
Related Article – Tips on How to Pick a Lip liner & Whats Best Color for You
9. How to Contour Small Lips with a Lip Liner
Choose a lip liner that matches your chosen lipstick shade and slightly trace outside the natural lip line.
Try to keep the focus of the overlining on the center of the lips rather than the corners.
How do you blend lip liner with lip stick
It is important that you blend your lip liner with your lipstick or gloss for a natural looking gradient.
Follow the steps below to blend lip liner with lip color
Step 1 – Application of lip liner
Once you have applied the lip liner to the outer borders of your lips and have carved out the lip shape of your choice.
Use the lip liner once again to gently shade the lips just below the line you have outlined.
Step 2 – Diffusing the Color
Next, try to diffuse the liner color by gently rubbing your lips together. This works well if using a cream based lip liner.
However, if your lip liner does not blend easily it is best to use a flat lip brush and gently diffuse the lip liner from the edges of the lips downward towards the insides of your lips.
Step 3 – Application of lipstick
When dragging the lip brush be careful not to disturb the outer liner that has already carved the lip shape.
Next, apply the lipstick or gloss to the center of the lips.
Step 4 – Blending lipstick and lip liner
Once again use the brush to join the areas when you have applied the liner and lipstick.
You can then reapply the lip liner if the lip shape is not as pronounced.
Finally use concealer to clean up any harsh lines outside of lips.
Additional Tip
The lip liner doesn’t need to cover the entire lips unless you are using it as a base.